
The goal of “Terra dei fuochi/Land of fires” is to share the story of the suffering mothers of Campania. Campania is my homeland region in Italy and the now called l”Land of fires” is the area north of Naples and South of Caserta. It was once known as Europe vegetable garden and called by the romans Campania Felix, the fertile countryside. Toxic waste coming from all Europe has been buried or left under the open sky and burned daily since the 80’s up to today. The contaminants found in land, air and water are linked to cancer and to the high mortality rate. After watching the interviews of mothers who lost their babies to cancer and being myself the aunt to nephews and nieces living in the area I was moved to act. As a choreographer and a dancer I started to create this project blending modern dance, music and documentary theater. I started as well a dialogue with the association “Noi genitori di tutti” (we are the parents of all). An association of mothers and fathers from the region who have lost their children to cancer. They became testimonials of this devastating situation and they give e support to the numerous families with sick kids. They gave me permission to incorporate their kids pictures and to share the personal stories during the performance. They wish to be heard in the hope something will change for the better.